copy of F150 PICK-UPS 15-17 Revue Technique Haynes FORD Anglais
FORD F150 PICK-UPS 2015-2017
Does Not Include F-250 or Super Duty Models
RTH36063 - Revue Technique Haynes Anglais
With a Haynes manual, you can do-it-yourself...from simple maintenance to basic repairs. Haynes writes every book based on a complete teardown of the vehicle, where we learn the best ways to do a job and that makes it quicker, easier and cheaper for you. Haynes books have clear instructions and hundreds of photographs that show each step. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, you can save big with a Haynes manual!
This manual features complete coverage for your Ford F-150 Pick-ups, model years 2015 through 2017, covering:Routine maintenanceTune-up proceduresEngine repair Cooling and heatingAir conditioningFuel and exhaustEmissions controlIgnition, brakesSuspension and steeringElectrical systems, andWiring diagrams