Special Use Vehicles - Livre Anglais
Special Use Vehicles : An Illustrated History of Unconventional Cars and Trucks Worldwide
LIVR_SPEC-USE-VEH - Livre Anglais
The unconventional uses of motor vehicles stretch one's imagination! The author here divides them into eight types based on their purposes and uses. Sales vehicles support a successful sales volume; advertising vehicles retain present customers and attract new ones; education and training vehicles provide skills updates for employees; charity vehicles serve various populations of the needy, suffering, and distressed; religious vehicles promote a particular faith; functional vehicles perform on-the-spot functions normally done by fixed-base facilities; multimodal vehicles have the ability to traverse land, water, and air; and government vehicles provide a host of services to constituencies. Examples are provided for each type of vehicle and examples from other nations besides the United States are included.
Fiche technique
- Langage
- Anglais
- Date de Parution
- Décembre 2002
- Nb Pages :
- 192
- 9780786412457
- Matiere
- Papier
- Choisir Etat
Références spécifiques
- ean13
- 9780786412457